Thompson Valley RC Race Club prides itself by being open to many of the well-known and well-driven classes in RC Hobby Racing. Whether it's indoor racing on carpet, or outdoor racing on the dirt track, there's lots of fun to be had by everyone, no matter what your experience level is!
INDOOR RC Racing Classes

Touring Stock
5 Minute Race-time
1350g Minimum Weight
5mm Minimum Ride Height
Open Rubber Tires
4 Door TC Body Shell
2S 7.4v LiPo Hardcase Battery
ROAR Approved 21.5T Brushless Motor – Blinky Mode

Touring Open
5 Minute Race-time
1350g Minimum Weight
5mm Minimum Ride Height
Open Rubber Tires
4 Door TC Body Shell
2S 7.4v Lipo Hardcase Battery
Any ROAR Approved Open Motor

World GT
5 Minute Race-time
930g Minimum Weight
4mm Minimum Ride Height
WGT Spec Tires
WGT Spec Bodies
1S 3.7v Lipo Hardcase Battery
LiPo Battery ROAR Approved
10.5T Brushless Motor – Blinky Mode
12th Scale 17.5
8 Minute Race-time
730g Minimum Weight
4mm Minimum Ride Height
Open Foam Tires
Can-Am/Lola Style Bodies
1s 3.7v Lipo Hardcase Battery
ROAR Approved 17.5T Brushless Motor
– Blinky Mode

Touring Novice
5 Minutes Race-time
1350g Mininum Weight
5mm Minimum Ride Height
Open Rubber Tires
2S Hardcell LiPo 7.4v or 6 Cell NiMh 7.2v
17.5T Brushless Motor or 27T Locked Endbell Motor
This class runs by pre-approved request only, primarily needing enough people (4 or more)

Mini Spec Class – TCS Rules
5 Minute Race-time
1200g Minimum Weight
5mm Minimum Ride Height
Any Tamiya M-Chassis Car
540 Silver Can Motor or ORCA Q Spark System
Rounded 2S LiPo 7.4v or 6 Cell NiMh 7.2v Battery
Tamiya 60D Rubber Tires
Tamiya or equivelant Hop-ups allowed,
no chassis lightening allowed -
Open Bodies but must fit M-Chassis

Formula 1
5 Minute Race-time
No Minimum Weight
4mm Minimum Ride Height
Any Tamiya or HPI F1 Car
ROAR Approved 540J Brushed Motor or 21.5T Brushless Motor
Rounded 2S Lipo 7.4v or 6 Cell 7.2v NiMh Battery
Non-Boosted ESC's Only

CTA – Canadian Trans Am And USGT
5 Minute Race-time
1380g Minimum Weight
5mm Minimum Ride Height
Gravity USGT/Ride 24025 Tires with included inserts
Any Body That Is Not On The ROAR T2 Or World GT List
2S Hardcase LiPo 7.4v Battery
ROAR Approved 21.5 Brushless Motor – Blinky Mode Speed Control
Open Gearing
For Complete Spec Rules visit WCICS.CA under “CTA Class”

5 Minute Race-time
17T Brushed Motor (Specific motor available at local hobby shop)
6-Cell NiMh 7.2v Battery Pack (3000mah recommended)
190mm TC Body Shell
Spec Rubber Tires
OUTDOOR RC Racing Classes

2WD Short Course Spec
6 Minute Race-time
Whatever Electronics Original KIT Came With
13.5T Motor with ESC in Blinky Mode
2 Cell Lipo 7.4v Hard Case or 7.2v NIMH Battery
Short Course Only Tires and Wheels
Full Short Course Bodies (Must Cover Wheels)
4WD Short Course Open
6 Minute Race-time
540 or 550 Can Sized Motors
2 Cell Lipo 7.4v Hard Case
Open Motor and Timing
Same Tire and Wheel Regulations as 2WD Short Course Spec

Mod Truck (Stadium Truck)
6 Minute Race-time
Open Motor and ESC
Timing Allowed
540 Can Brushless or Brushed
2 Cell Lipo 7.4v Hard Case or 7.2v NIMH Battery

2WD Buggy
6 Minute Race-time
Open Motor and ESC
Timing Slowed
540 Can Brushless or Brushed
2 Cell Hard Case Lipo (Charge in Lipo Bag)
4WD Buggy
Open Motor and ESC
Timing Allowed
540 Can Brushless or Brushed
2 Cell Lipo 7.4v Hard Case or 7.2v NIMH Battery
1/8th Scale Buggy
6 Minute Qualifier Race, 10 Minute Main
Race -
Open Motor and ESC
Timing Slowed
550 Can or 1/8 Motor
4 Cell 14.8v Lipo Hard Case Lipo (Charge in Lipo Bag)

Traxxas Slash Spec Class
Traxxas Slash Model 58024 or 58024-1
Stock Radio Transmitter and Receiver MUST BE USED, servo may be replaced with any TRAXXAS servo with STOCK servo saver
Brushed Titan 12t Motor and XL5 Speed Control
2 Cell 7.4v Hard Case Lipo (Charge in Lipo Bag) or 7-cell 8.4v NiMH Battery Pack
Other requirements will be posted soon, but basically if it didn't come with it in the original Traxxas box, you probably can't use it (other than bearings)